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  2017_La Formazione Intervento (in Inglese)
  L'idea di Base
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2017_La Formazione Intervento (in Inglese)

Renato Di Gregorio
ed. Impresa Insieme S.r.l.
Anno 2017
130 pp.

L'idea di Base

The basic idea

"Formazione-intervento ®" is a process that enables a person or a group of persons to realize a change for themselves, for an organization, for a territory, and to take this opportunity even as a learning process.

As a consequence of this fact it becomes a method to learn new knowledges. In both cases, as changing and learning method, it helps people in developing new competences and a greater awareness of their own way of learning. It would be used also to adapt the learning system of individuals, of organizations (as a sum of individuals in different roles) and of territories (as a sum of individuals in the organizations). 

The “Formazione-intervento®” is a methodology that has been and is still used for the improvement of the organizations. It is based on the central importance of every person in organizations, so it strives to create conditions of work according to this principle, and to create processes of change and learning processes congruent with this idea. 

In terms of the organizational solutions to which it aims for, there is the bent to build conditions that allow at all the different levels of the organization to express innovating abilities and not just those ones connected to the management of the routine.

In terms of organizational change processes, it aims to create conditions that enable all actors of the internal structure and of the reference context to participate in the redefinition of the operating conditions, and in the design of improvement. It is possible so to activate a “Formazione-intervento®” process to implement a project of organizational change, technological innovation, social research.

It is even possible to use the methodology as an educational instrument to acquire knowledge, to develop an ability, to understand how to play a role. Indeed it makes effective the learning process of a person, of persons in organizations, of people in a territory.

About the learning processes, it aims to combine sources of knowledge, allowing to all actors involved to recognize within themselves the knowledge held (tacit knowledge), to collect explicit spread knowledges, to express their creative potential, to develop new knowledge.

It assumes that an individual activates even more its internal learning motor when he is placed in front of the need to address a challenging project on an issue or a problem that concerns him directly and intensely. Traveling to a land that you want to discover, immediately triggers the need to gather information, collect experiences of others in this regard, prepare yourself to look and understand what you will see, share with others the project of the trip, live again with friends the experience.

It assumes that people, all, have the ability to design and plan; someone, perhaps, need more than others to be encouraged to do it, because they get influenced by the context or by their fears. This means that we must find ways to enable people to free up this capacity and recognize to themselves the right to exercise it.

It has been developed, initially, as a methodology for organizational change, for innovation in general, but it has shown up after, also as learning methodology tout court. We became aware indeed that to change organizations it was necessary to go through the learning of the people who composed them. The efforts to bring to maturity this learning enabled us to understand that the techniques used could also be used at any time there is a need to learn.

What has been discovered lies in two basic aspects of the methodology: the approach to the complexity, the planning path.

Changing an organization or develop an innovation requires the ability to look at a reality in its complexity and find solutions that give an overall response to all the initial problems or to the new needs. This new way of looking at reality induces a transformation of the way we were trained. The separation of knowledge and the disciplinary training have accustomed us to look through a "functional" eye, to see one aspect of the reality and not the combination of all those which compose it.

The exercise that the methodology allows to do to people involved is just the opposite: watching the whole set, see all its parts, evaluating which ones are to be optimized both from the their specific point of view and for a new interrelationship with the others, finding appropriate and shared by the context solutions.

Even when the people involved are numerous and it’s useful to divide the work between them to reduce individual fatigue, the methodology always leads them to reconstruct each work in a set.

The mental effort required to people is high, because it requires them to confront themselves with the complexity of reality and with the unknown of innovation, two destabilizing aspects because they give  uncertainty, arouse insecurity, produce anxiety and sometimes extreme forms of addiction or conflict in respect of who is the cause of this situation.

After the first time, when people realize that the solution is the result of a work they have to do on themselves, firstly changing their own way of looking at reality, the result of the ideation is assured and the value of the gained learning is concretely felt.

The other unique aspect of the methodology is that one of planning.

The methodology leads to change or innovation. These are not the result of a baseless intuition or an immediate response, or the past experience, but the result of a research and planning process that involves the people and the context in which they move. The methodology suggests to curb the habit to give to a problem the first answer that comes to mind or to collect from others the answer to be given, but to develop a logical path that enables you to search, evaluate, interpret all the elements of the system on which you operate, to critically confront with solutions pursued by others and then find within themselves the strength to express a solver hypothesis, which will be your responsibility, together with those who you involved. This process strengthens three aspects of competence: analytical ability, creative ability and confidence in our own abilities.

The methodology requires, basically, adhering to the belief that people should be able to live peacefully without being crushed by any kind of abuse. To do this they must get rid of the limits set by themselves and others and they should, conversely, believe in their own potentialities and work upon themselves to train and develop them. Since the community in which people live is a constraint, but also offers opportunities, the methodology teaches to involve members of the community in a mutually beneficial exchange.

It is, however, disturbing for some who may still believe that, as you divide the work in an organization, by different functions, you can also divide people by the functions attributed to them in and out of it.

Taylor developed these theories and in a certain age his theories and those of Fayol were successful. For both of them dividing the work by functions and assigning tasks by role, corresponds to a theory based on the underlying assumption that people are different and so remained.

A Fiat manager wrote: "in the current context, learning, learning to learn and learning to accept change to manage it are critical skills required to all the people, those holding roles of huge responsibility as well as those engaged in operational activities".

Formazione-intervento®” methodology assumes that all people, located in certain conditions and trained properly, can interpret all functions and can cover all the necessary roles or at least most of them.

Finally, it hopes that the person does not turn depending on the context within which he operates and live, but he is always the same in every context and should be considered in this regard by the community in which he lives and works.

Human beings should be seen in their totality and not in a different way according to their presence in the organizations where they live and work. At the same time, the methodology assumes that even the organizations should consider themselves always a part of that set that the community has created.

A further distinctive feature is that it considers all human beings able to learn and evolve when around them there is love and not fear, trust and not suspicion, generosity and not selfishness, peace and not war, cooperation and not competition. When change processes have "sense", a sense for the belonging community, but more generally for life itself.

It therefore aims strongly to develop a learning process for all those it can involve, a learning process that serves to reconsider the situation in which we often adapt ourselves to stay and that we accept, causing disadvantages to ourselves and to the organization to which we belong, as well as to the community which relies on that organization for the satisfaction of its needs. It aims therefore to develop an awareness that change is not impossible, often useful and that, by acquiring instruments a bit more effective, we can improve everything, starting from what we have closer.

Finally, it considers that individuals, as well as organizations, have the need to live the present and build the future. Management and innovation must therefore cohabit in each system. Separate the two sides, looking for efficiency of specialization, brings us back to the Taylorist conception of work and forces us to think that there is someone who thinks innovation for everybody and there is someone who cannot do it.



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