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IMPRESA INSIEME is a  consulting  firm specialized in supporting growth processes for the improvement of the internal  functionality of organizations, enabling them to meet their market’s needs and social legalization requirements.

Its original approach is interdisciplinary and integrate.  It is based on specialized skills of communication, formation , organization and management and expresses itself with a participative involvement method. 

The fundamental value of this choice concerns the central position that people occupy.  Our conviction is that people, in organizations, are not just mere parts of a mechanistic system or positions or roles of an inert organizational structure.  They are main actors, bearers of experience and competence but also of values and interests that give a sense to the things that they do together.

Therefore, we are convinced that the process of change that is pursued in organiztions is to be sought after and carried out with a participative and responsible  involvement of the people that work there and whoever else has important relational dealings with these people.

IMPRESA INSIEME offers its services to those organizations that have intentions of:

  • giving every person the capability of expressing their needs and their planning skills.
  • using the help of specialists to carry out effect processes of improvement.
  • allowing people to take part in the change.
  • Promoting the utmost functional and personal cooperation.
  • facilitating continuous learning, that starts from constant reflection on ones functionality.
  • developing transparent and constant communication both internally and externally.
  • comparing oneself with external context by exchanging experiences with other organizations.

IMPRESA INSIEME intervenes prevalently as a consulting process, but can also be a turnkey for management communication, formation and organization.

It’s intervention aims at supporting the people that are part of the organization, starting from the top management so that they can become the moving spirits in the management of change.

The organizational levels that we usually establish contact with are:

  • the organization’s management, that can start the process of change, mobilize all the internal resources ansd promote external agreement.
  • the staffs of Communication, Formation, Organization and Personnel Management that can help with the definition of functional policies, specific programs, methodologies and integrated tools.
  • commitees purposely set up to preside over transformation programs that can help the participants interpret matters that have to do with management process and also help them in decisions that have to be made concerning the right solutions at certain given times.

The areas in which IMPRESA INSIEME shows distinctive competence are those:

1. that want to improve communication among organizations and their context of reference.  This of course, if by the behavior of the people working there we can assume that the organizations are  “actually” communicating.  Our support consists of making it possible for all the employees to  communicate in a conscientious and positive way because they are aware of their role, of their  organization’s strategies and of the improvement process in progress.

To this we add our counceling, in order to stimulate the participation of the stakeholders in the organization’s improvement plans and  support as proof of our commitment for carrying out communication undertakings. of strategic sharing that supports the management of the organization in formalizing, “relating” and then “debating” its strategic choices, with its employees according to their different levels of responsibility and their different roles. This is done with the aim of sharing the trajectories and analyzing the changes that should be brought to the “organization culture”, and singling out priority change projects to be carried out in the sharing strategy. The originality of this approach lies in the fact that this operation takes place in workshops purposely structured to make choices and face the problems that have to be overcome.  With this process, the organization’s chief interlocutors, which are in part customers and in part institutional structures, in which the organizations operate, can take part.

2. of organized planning that methodologically supports the work groups that the organization sets up to solve the problems that come up during the development of the strategic sharing stage.  Our support makes it possible for the organization’s personnel to find the right solutions to their problems, working in interfunctional conditions and therefore solving the usual problems of functional interdependence that organizations have.  The originality of this approach is in making the project, that the personnel is working on, an occasion for learning and also a way for listening and picking up positive project ideas from outside interlocutors that are interested in solving the initial problems.  Finally that of making the project’s course “the object” and the “subject matter” of a process of communication both inside the organization and between the organization and the context of reference.

3. of  listening to the context, both inside and outside the organization, in order to point out expectations, motivations, cultures at stake,to single out the improvement processes that have to be started and evaluate the efficiency of projects already operating.

4. in planning and assigning formation initiatives that support and strenghen the process of formation-intervention brought into action with communication strategic sharing and organized planning, also in training people for their positions and giving them a professionalism that will make them able to sustain and maintain the process of change that is taking place.

5. of the prearrangement of financial undertakings for various interventions, especially the formative ones.

IMPRESA INSIEME operates for businesses, firms, public offices and administrations that need to develop a functional improvement process inside their organization because of a change of roles or strategy and at the same time need to develop a better acceptability from the context of reference, made up of customers and the social structure  which they must confront.

For the past ten years, we have been working side by side with the managements of organizations,  helping them with the important process of change, this, because of an increased sensibility of  the producton companies towards an “environment orientated” management and of public administrations that want efficiency, management transparancy and quality service for its citizens.


The method’s starting point is research-intervention that has been experimented since 1973, for the change taking place in the work organization of Italian companies.   It has grown with the methodologies of project-management which were standard procedure in aeronautical design companies from 1979 - 1985.

It integrates fully developed elements of management, growth and motivation of employees from 1983 to 1989.

It adds the knowhow of management communication in 1989.

It experiments and consolidates its integrated application in the light of Responsible Care in chemical companies starting in 1988.

It experiments and validates its use in public services starting in 1994.

At present its application is considerable in various public and private organizations.


Our objective was to recover a positive relationship between industrial establishments and the territory,  this, by  providing a process of internal improvement towards environmental responsibility and a contextual improvement in communication, both internal and external.

This is in complete harmony with the philosophy of RESPONSIBLE CARE and with the initiatives promoted by FEDERCHIMICA in Italy.

The projeict started in 1989 was called “Communication and Environment” and was run by a facility named “Margherita” whose groups and subgroups were articulated throughout the company.

The more important plants that used this project were those of :  Porto Marghera,  Ravenna, Ferrara, Mantova, Brindisi, Priolo, and Porto Torres. 

The areas of project were those that improved:

  • the plant structure
  • the operative procedures in managing productive processes
  • ergonomic working conditions and quality of working life
  • reports, concerning environmental, economical and social conditions
  • formation and
  • communication, both internal and of the surrounding context

Our model of intervention has embraced a motto:  “Environment together is possible”.  This motto has distinguished all the undertakings that have been promoted but most of all it has distinguished the way the undertakings were done.  In fact, the groups of the Margherita structure worked as a network and through internal benchmaking developed diffused planning which made local problems easy to solve.  The system also customized collective knowhow on the industrial grounds.

A few of the results of diffused planning were:

  • shared planning, in each department, of the technological investments for the improvement of security and environment.
  • the methodology of listening to understand the context on the quality of environmental behavior both inside and ouside the plants.
  • a newspaper on environment that gives an account of the environmental commitment to the people inside the plant and to the more important interlocutors outside the establishment.
  • the environmental balance that represents the improvement in connection with the objectives planned in advance, the processes and the structures that were made to be followed.
  • the social balance, that represents the “added value” of an industrial establishment on the territory.
  • agreements with nearby universities for an exchange of knowhow.
  • the formation of improvement organizers, change designers and communicators.  These roles are necessary for making people “in line” able to sustain the process in progress and the improvement change.

The experience acquired by IMPRESA INSIEME  is made accessable by the management formation structures of ENI, IAFE and all the groups that belong to the companies:  AGIP, AGIP PETROLI, SNAM, ITALGAS, SNAM PROGETTI, ENI RICERCHE.


The objective of our intervention was to recuperate service efficiency and effectiveness, qualifying the role played by two council offices in changing the institutional tasks that the decentralization of administration had brought to the regions.  the program caused the involvement of all the personnel that worked in the areas that had to be improved and the activity of internal project groups that had to find the right solution for the change that was necessary in that context.


The objective was to develop, both in the new role and new strategy of the company, complete understanding and responsability of the internal personnel and the cooperation of the social and institutional structures of the territory of Liguria, starting from the formalization of strategies.  The second phase was to formalize the policies of each of the 12 functional areas where the organizational structure of the company was articulated and to rectify the actions of the management that wre run, according to their indications.  The third phase was to work with the project groups in order to achieve different ways of communication, both internal and external, that would qualify the company an it’s improvement policies.


The objective is to organize a group of college graduates to work  on the changes that  public and private administrations go through.  During the formative program, the graduates will carry out a project of strategic analysis of the five different administrations: the Province, the Commune, the local health unit, the Transportation department and the Steel Plants of Bolzano, with the intention of giving suggestions on the improvement of each organization and the process of improvement in the system that links relations among the five establishments.


Our intervention has to do with the organizational set up of the administration and the starting of improvement projects that will permit the administration to excersize it’s new role (new law for the local self-governing regions are being applied in Italy) and to develop the strategies that the political management decides to follow.  This is all integrated with a communication strategy that also consents the involvement of the stakeholders of the territory.


Our intervention dealed with the carrying out of the strategic plan made by the management.  It consisted of a major involvement of the internal personnel and it helped recuperate internal efficiency, re-establish union agreements, introduce strategic  projects, define the service list, intoduce a system of evaluation of services, bring about a management turnover, define the operating organization, obtain a large amount of funds for formation and improve the relationship between the city and the establishment.


The department has signed an agreement with Union Organizations that intorduce, among other things, “a reward for results” .  This reward can be won by any one of the internal employees.  It relates to the company’s results in earning performance, productivity and quality.  Our intervention was targeted towards the improvement of integration between the budgeting of the goals, the measurement of the results and the collective awareness of participation in the management towards it’s goals in a time of change in the field of transportation.


The intervention started with the need to carry out the company’s list of services and continued by developing a managing system that aims towards a continuous improvement through a massive participation of workers.  The important Phase of the intervention program was putting together and publishing the Social Budget.  This is a first example of a social report with an added value of being an organization in a territory and awarde with the Oscar of The  Assolombarda.


Our intervention involves the employees of the Prevention Department, which are at least 150 people.  It’s aim is to make operable an internal unit of the department which was set up to give the public an integrated service in case a new installation has to be made.  Therefore, it means making the unit that is inside the Department function and making the Department which is inside the USL function also, by planning, together with the employees, the best solutions in view of the certfication of quality.


The intervention aims at preparing 20 young graduates to become “PROJECT MANAGERS”.  The course was designed together with a formation cooperative from Treviso and was financed by the European Community through the Veneto Region.  As for Bolzano, the graduates will follow an itinerary of formation, this participation will make it possible to carry out interventions of organized analysis in advantage of the organizations that will hold stages for the graduates.


Because of it’s original approach in formation, IMPRESA INSIEME has accepted to collaborate with important schools of formation operating in Italy, especially with:

  • CEGOS for the carrying out of formative programs on Organizational Flexability and Change in public administrations.
  • IPSOA for the carrying out of formative programs on Marketing and Project Management in public administrations.

For it’s specific competence,in the field of Communication, linked to the processes of change, IMPRESA INSIEME takes courses on Management Communication and Environmental Communication at:

  • IAFE  ENI  school of formation
  • REISS ROMOLI Telecom school of formation


Besides the consultation activity, IMPRESA INSIEME is responsible for a public debate that brought closer together the world of management to the world of public administration.  We are convinced that in this hisorical moment both are interested in reflecting on systems to use for carrying out useful changes for thei existence and for the existence and well-being of the community, especially the workers.

Deeply convinced of the usefulness of confrontation of experiences, culture and knowledge, we have promoted and conducted public meetings, with the topic of Management Change, at:

Milanoc/o Federchimica

c/o MIP Politecnico di Milano

Romac/o IRI Management (scuola di formazione manageriale dell’Iri)

c/o Forum (collegata alla Università La Sapienza)

Napoli c/o Unione Industriali

Genova c/o Sogea (scuola di formazione delle Associazioni imprenditoriali)

Salerno c/o  Unione degli Industriali

Viterbo c/o  Cefas (scuola di formazione di un consorzio di strutture imprenditoriali)

Bolzanoc/o la Provincia

Torino c/o Università - Facoltà di Magistero

Sienac/o Associazione degli Industriali della Provincia di Siena

Livorno c/o Associazione tra gli Industriali della Provinca

The people that participated at the talks, organized at each meeting were: business men, managers, scholars, public administrators and trade unionists.


Renato Di Gregorio

He recieved a degree in Economics and Commerce from the University of Naples.

He has thirty years experience working in large companies as Organizational Development Manager, Management Development Manager of Formation and Communication.

He has worked for ITALSIDER, AERITALIA and ENICHEM (ENI group).

Besides being in charge of interfunctional coordination, he has also been in charge of the development of interfunctional projects thus expanding his undeniable experience in the field of Organizational Project Management.

At  ITALSIDER, he handled the development of intervention - research projects for the improvement of work organization.

At  AERITALIA, he coordinated the interdivision project for the improvement of prevention systems and control.  He introduced systems of management evaluation and joint incentive.

At ENICHEM he coordinated the introduction of Management Development Systems of joint incentive, an environmental improvement project and  communication improvement among the plants of the organization.

During the past years he has acquired experience in the public sector and has conducted interventions of improvement of internal functionality and of communication in various administrations, placing their political and managerial managements side by side.

The Lazio Region, the Province of Genova, the Commune of Sassari, the Transportation Department of Genova and the Water Company of Venice are only a few of the places of his more important interventions and where we can easily verify the approach he used and the results of hi approach.His intervention is based on a model of formation - intervention where the fields of organization, management, communication and formation interlace during the course of Project Management that involves the structures and the people of the organization, making them the responsible designers of their change.

He collaborates with the Università Cattolica of  Milano for Service Marketing and is an expert of Ergonomics having covered a managerial position in the Società Italiana di Ergonomia.

He has published various articles on Management in specialized magazines.  He contributed to the publication of two books, one on Organization with F. BUTERA and one on Communication with  G. SANTORO.

He has published two books with the editor Guerini:

La Formazione - intervento nelle Organizazioni

Progetti di Cambiamento

Progettare per apprendere nella Pubblica Amministrazione

He is now governing director of IMPRESA INSIEME. INSIEME.

Roberto Marziantonio

He has a degree in Law and a specialization in Business from the University of Social Studies “Pro Deo”.

He is owner of Strategia d’Immagine S.r.l., one of Italy’s most qualified public relations agencies.

He teaches Public Relations at the school of Relazioni Pubbliche of the IULM, Università Libera di Milano and also teaches a Master of Scienze dell’Informazione at the University “La Sapienza” in Rome.

He is a publicist, and director of business reviews and magazines. He is member of the Order of Journalists of Milano. He is a founding member of Nova Spes ( International Foundation for a Qualitative Human Development ) and of Cerp (Eoropean Confederation of Public Relations ) and of the Experimental Institute for the Development of a Social Budget.

He is autho of:

· I Protagonisti dell’Immagine,  ed.  IPSOA, Milano 1985/1990

· Bilancio: Lente dell’Immagine,  ed. IPSOA, Milano 1988

· Comunicazione, Cultura & Immagine,  ed.  G&M Strategia d’Immagine, Milano 1995

· Comunicazione e Processi di Miglioramento,  ed. G&M Strategia d’Immagine, Milano 1997


Inserimento di neo-ricercatori dell’organizzazione in azienda


La ricerca-intervento nell’ambito dello sviluppo organizzativo Aeritalia

F. ANGELI: La progettazione Organizzativa 1983

Mercato, strutture organizzative, tecnologia: interpretazione di alcune linee evolutive


Il simposio internazionale sulla produttività


Ergonomia, innovazione tecnologica e sviluppo


Di fronte all’innovazione ora l’ergonomia fa marketing

IL SOLE 24 ORE 1984

Organizzazione per gruppi e tipologie di coinvolgimento

IRI: LIBRO 3 , 1984

La strategia tecnologica


Incentivi monetari e sviluppo della produttività


Innovazione dei processi di progettazione

CAD/CAM 4° convegno nazionale di ergonomia 1985

Organizzazione del lavoro  scienza di management


I processi di sviluppo manageriale delle imprese italiane


Quanto costa il successo


Nuove risposte a problemi nuovi: lo sviluppo della consulenza


A scuola di management


Sviluppo organizzativo in Italia


Manager miei, vicini e lontani


Il Business delle risorse umane


Immaginando la realtà: formazione sul project management


Trasferimento tecnologico e cultura d’impresa


Un modello italiano per la cultura d’impresa


La Farfalla e l’uragano: la comunicazione interna per la qualità ambientale


Fare e Comunicare: le novità di un progetto

ECOS 1994, n° 6

Comunicazione d’impresa: i nuovi valori


La Formazione- intervento nelle organizzazioni


I due volti della comunicazione


Chimica e ambiente: l’importante è comunicare


Il cambiamento si gestisce con la formazione-intervento


Il progetto Comunicazione e Ambiente di Enichem


Progetti di cambiamento


L’azienda pubblica coinvolge il cittadino


Ergonomia del Territorio

VI Congresso di Ergonomia, Settembre 1997

Progettare per apprendere nella Pubblica Amministrazione